From 6 a.m. – 5 p.m. on this past Saturday, about 40 pro-lifers came to the intersection of Life and Death to pray for Life. At 6 a.m., about 12 prayer warriors arrived, including 6 high school students, prayed that the 5 moms entering the abortion mill would have a change of heart and spare themselves and their child in the womb from the horrors of abortion. At 9:00 a.m., Pastor Bryan Longworth of Covenant Tabernacle led prayer while the moms left the abortuary, minus their children. The saddest moment was when one of the young moms, a middle school student, was literarally carried out by her parents (the babies grandparents). I always find it amazing that someone who carried her child in her womb for 9 months could take that same child to abort the child in her womb. Pray for the conversion of the parents as well as for the middle-schooler, since they are the adults so have more to answer for in front of God.
At 9:30, Lisa Buss, Director of the Pregnancy Care Center located in Stuart, arrived and opened the Pregnancy Care Center here in Ft. Pierce for those who wanted to pray in the Center’s temporary prayer room. Respect Life Director, Judy Wheeler, and the lady’s from St. Bernadette’s Catholic Church in PSL were there to pray the Rosary, although they chose to stay outside and brave the heat. As time got later and the day got hotter, participants from Vero to Stuart kept the prayer going inside the PCC, with a break around noon for nourishment and fellowship. In addition to Executive Director Anne Lotierzo generously supplying the troops with some food and drinks, she also gave tours to anyone new to the PCC. One of the prayer warriors, Brenda McMenamin, was so dedicated that she came out at 6 a.m. and came back in the afternoon to pray more. The day ended up with 5 members of the Lee family praying and finishing off some of the goodies, which is how it should be because families are really what we are really fighting for.
Thank you for all who participated and a special thanks to Anne and Lisa for hosting such a wonderful event.
***It’s not too late to sign up to pray at home or at the abortuary, or fast during 40 Days. Sign up at www.40daysforlife.com/stlucie or jimthoma@comcast.net (772-240-6186). You can also RSVP at Facebook. We have over 100 people participating so far, but can always use more. Click here (http://www.sohltc.com/flyers/abortion-woman-preborn/Abortion-Prayer-Guidlines.pdf) for a list of guidelines for those involved with 40 Days for Life.