Category: Abortion Harms Women

Vigil for Victims at Planned Parenthood Today!

As you have hopefully heard on O’Reilly and other news shows, Planned Parenthood has been involved in covering up sex trafficking. Pro-lifers have none for years that P.P. not only killed babies and harmed women, but covered up sex crimes. Now our brothers and sisters who are fighting sex trafficking realize this and are calling for a “Vigil For Victims” at all Planned Parenthoods today, Valentine’s Day, at noon. Let’s support those fighting human trafficking in the effort to defund PP. Please read below about our local Vigil For Victims.


This Monday: Planned Parenthood at

Breaking News: Ambulance Takes Woman From Ft Pierce Abortion Clinic with Sheet Over Her

Saturday morning, February 5, 2011, an ambulance was called to A Woman’s World Medical Center, in Ft Pierce to take one of the clients to the Lawnwood Hospital Emergency Room. A Woman’s World is the only abortion clinic in the tri-county area and has received numerous violations from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Medical personnel held a sheet over the mom as she was placed in the ambulance. It is not known what happened or the condition of the patients (mom and baby), but it is believed

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