$500,000 of Your Local Tax Dollars will Support Planned Parenthood, if You Don’t Stand Up!

Are your LOCAL taxes being used to fund Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions in the USA?



  • The St. Lucie County Children’s Services Council (CSC) is an independent taxing authority. Check out your property tax bill and you will see the CSC listed among other taxing authorities such as the City of PSL, Fire District, City of Fort Pierce, School District etc.;
  • Each year they fund Planned Parenthood to fund a variety of programs to “help” children;
  • The running total is $3.5 million tax dollars in the last several years that the CSC has funded to Planned Parenthood;
  • Planned Parenthood makes over $100 million profit annually, so while you are struggling to make ends meet, the CSC is giving your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood;
  • While they do not fund abortions directly, their programs promote promiscuity and help funnel teenage girls into abortion clinics;
  • Besides being an abortion provider, Planned Parenthood has been implicated in covering up statutory rape, accepting donations specifically to “abort black babies” and counselling teenagers on how to circumvent parental notification laws.

Will you stand up and be heard this year? Tell the CSC it is time to put an end to funding immorality with our tax dollars:

WHAT: CSC Public Budget Hearing

WHEN: Wed. Sept. 22, 2010

TIME: 5:00PM

WHERE: CSC Office, 546 NW University Blvd., Suite 201, St. Lucie West, FL 34986 (across from Digital Domain Park, in the West Park professional plaza)

MAP: http://www.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=546+Northwest+University+Boulevard,+Port+Saint+Lucie,+FL&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=29.772081,86.572266&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=NW+University+Blvd,+Port+St+Lucie,+St+Lucie,+Florida+34986&z=16

RSVP on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=155020501193730

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…

40 Days For Life Begins September 22

40 Days for Life Jensen Beach

Christians Pray to End Abortion

Each year, 1,000 women hurt and babies are killed at the Ft. Pierce abortuary. Come take part in 40 Days for Life to protect women and children from the horrors of abortion. In doing so, you can join with Christians from 130 cities in peacefully protecting women and children from the horrors of abortion. Click here (http://www.sohltc.com/flyers/abortion-woman-preborn/Abortion-Prayer-Guidlines.pdf) for a list of guidelines for those involved with 40 Days for Life.

Anyone who hasn’t signed up for a time to pray/witness at the clinic, please click here (http://www.sohltc.com/flyers/abortion-woman-preborn/2010/2010-Fall-40-Days-for-Life.pdf) to print out a sign-up sheet, fill it out, and e-mail or call Jim Thoma (772-240-6186) to receive the name and info of the captain who is in charge of that time. You can also RSVP at Facebook. Anyone else who wants to be a captain for a morning or afternoon please contact Jim, as there are still spots available.

40 Days For Life is an international pro-life movement that combines prayer, fasting and community awareness.

I am also requesting help from people who can be captains.
The captains can help in many ways including:

  • Recruiting others to sign up
  • Holding sign up days at their Church
  • Agreeing to supervise a prayer time at the abortion clinic.
  • Helping with special events that happen during the 40 Days
  • Spreading the message of 40 Days through the media (editorials, e-mails, FaceBook, etc.)
  • Assisting with technology or administrative duties.

Anyone interested in helping in those or any other ways, please contact me. There is a series of great tutorial videos created by 40 Days that explains all aspects of the program and I would be glad to share them with anyone interested. I can use your help!

***40 Days begins in less than 3 weeks, on September 22, so anyone who wants to help with the sign-ups, especially at Church, getting it in the bulletin, etc. should get started as soon as possible.

***As we sadly recall the thousands killed by terrorists on the anniversary of 9/11, let’s not forget that abortion kills that many innocent Americans every day.