Tag: ProLife Petition

Happy Mother’s Day from Personhood FL

Where Would you be without your mother? Without your mother bearing you in her womb, you wouldn’t be here today, and without care after birth, you also wouldn’t be here.
Certainly, we owe our lives to our mothers. Aren’t you glad your mother chose life? I know I am.

Yet today, motherhood is under attack! Young women are often taught that children are a

Help Personhood FL End Abortion: Sign, Volunteer, & Donate Today!

To obtain ballot access for the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment, we need to obtain nearly 700,000 validated petition signatures. To accomplish this, we need your help. If you haven’t signed the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition yet, please sign the petition today! If you haven’t signed up as a volunteer, please volunteer today! If you are able to donate to help Personhood FL collect more signatures to obtain ballot access, please donate today!

Will You Pray for America? National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer. Our nation has a long heritage of turning back to God in a time of need. These times of need are usually precipitated by compromise and sin which leads to the judgment of God. Those times of judgment often bring us back to God, and coming back to God in turn brings His blessings.

Stand for Life at Florida Sanctity of Human Life Events

Sunday, January 22, 2012 marks the 39th anniversary of the Dreadful Roe vs Wade decision. Since 1973, over 55,000,000 preborn girls and boys have been killed by abortion, and millions of moms and dads have been wounded. This weekend, prolifers from around the state will gather for prolife events, and pastors will preach prolife sermons. We encourage you to stand for life at the event closest to you and collect signatures for the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition.

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