Tag: prolife

Stand for Life at Florida Sanctity of Human Life Events

Sunday, January 22, 2012 marks the 39th anniversary of the Dreadful Roe vs Wade decision. Since 1973, over 55,000,000 preborn girls and boys have been killed by abortion, and millions of moms and dads have been wounded. This weekend, prolifers from around the state will gather for prolife events, and pastors will preach prolife sermons. We encourage you to stand for life at the event closest to you and collect signatures for the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition.

First Ever National Presidential Pro-Life, Pro-Personhood Forum

We are excited to announce the first ever Presidential Pro-Life Forum, a national tele-town hall and radio simulcast presented by Personhood USA in partnership with other national pro-life organizations on Tuesday, December 27, 8:00 – 9:30 pm CST.

All Presidential candidates have been invited to participate, and, as of this moment, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, and Rick Perry are confirmed.

Merry Christmas from Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast, Every Baby is a Gift from God

At this time of year, we remember the Christ child. Conceived by an unwed young girl and born in a lowly manger, the circumstances of his conception and birth could easily be described a crisis pregnancy, yet Jesus was and is the greatest gift of all.

Every child is a gift from God, regardless the circumstances surround her conception and birth. While not every child is planned or comes under perfect circumstances, every child is a blessing, for every child bears God’s image reminding us of how valuable we are to Him! How His heart must break when we despise His gift and seek abortion to kill the precious gift of God in the womb.

Our founding fathers recognized that “all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights among which are life

Pregnancy Care Center Fundraiser Concert: “American Swing meets Latin Swing”

Holy Family “Swings” As Concert Series Continues Do you enjoy the Swing Stylings of American performers like Frank Sinatra, L0uis Armstrong and Engelbert Humperdink or Latin performers like Tito Nieves, Gilberto Santa Rosa and FranKie Ruiz? On Sunday, September 25th, The Holy Family Concert Series continues with “American Swing meets Latin Salsa”. The concert will …

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Press Conference Video: Children’s Services Council Cut $500,000 Planned Parenthood Tax Funding

Pastor Bryan Longworth: Four years ago I stood in front of this council and asked them to defund Planned Parenthood, and I was actually the only one at that point; but, thankfully, Dr Hofstee was there with me and got fired up, and what started was just letting people know and informing people that the Children’s Services Council was funding the largest abortion provider. However, even if you would go back a year ago with all the people that we had that came out, I wouldn’t have said that we’d be standing here today and seeing that Planned Parenthood was defunded; however, I do give glory and honor to God for this victory. I believe that His presence was with us. I also want to recognize the work of … Watch the video here

Saint Lucie County Taxing Authority Defunds Planned Parenthood

America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood (PP) was axed Thursday by yet another tax funded agency. The latest government entity to ditch the embattled abortion giant was the St. Lucie County Children’s Services Council (CSC), an independent taxing authority in Florida, which has funded PP with grants totaling nearly $4 million since 2002. St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding, led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by organizing pickets and speaking at monthly public forums that eventually led to cessation of funding for PP, which was about $500,000 last fiscal year. The Florida based CSC joined the ranks of Indiana, Kansas, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin who all recently cut Planned Parenthood funding.

According to Dr. Michael Hofstee, an organizer from the

Planned Parenthood Loses $500,000 in St. Lucie Tax Funding

America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood (PP) was axed Thursday by yet another tax funded agency. The latest government entity to ditch the embattled abortion giant was the St. Lucie County Children’s Services Council (CSC), an independent taxing authority in Florida, which has funded PP with grants totaling nearly $4 million since 2002. St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding, led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by organizing pickets and speaking at monthly public forums that eventually led to cessation of funding for PP, which was about $500,000 last fiscal year. The Florida based CSC joined the ranks of Indiana, Kansas, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin who all recently cut Planned Parenthood funding.

According to Dr. Michael Hofstee, an organizer from the

Tomorrow: Taxing Agency Voting to Defund Planned Parenthood!

The St. Lucie County Children’s Services Council (CSC), an independent taxing authority in Florida, has funded Planned Parenthood since 2002 and has awarded grants totaling nearly $4,000,000 to the organization, but that may all change Thursday when the CSC considers defunding Planned Parenthood. The CSC could join the likes of Indiana, Kansas, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin who all recently cut Planned Parenthood funding. The decision will be make by the CSC during their monthly meeting held Sept. 8 at 8:30 am, at the CSC office, 546 NW University Blvd, Suite 201, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 across from the entrance to Tradition Field. (View a map here.)

St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding has led the effort to defund Planned Parenthood by organizing pickets and speaking at monthly meetings. The group postponed a picket of the TD Bank where board member Pat Alley works until after Thursday’s vote and hopes that that picket won’t be necessary. The group has promised to continue efforts to defund Planned Parenthood including picketing board members homes and places of work and campaigning against the Children’s Services Counsel the 2014 referendum that will allow St Lucie County voters to abolish the CSC. St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding will hold a press conference outside of the Children’s Services Counsel immediately following Tuesday’s vote.

What Would You Say To Someone Who Gives Your Tax Dollars To Planned Parenthood?

Planned Parenthood Collects Tax Dollars

This week, a little-known St. Lucie County taxing authority, the Children’s Services Council (CSC), is once again giving consideration to funding abortion giant Planned Parenthood (PP) with local tax dollars.

Taxpayers attending this week’s public forum at 8:15am on Sept. 8, can use the crib sheet below to formulate factual comments that can used at the forum which will be held at

Local St. Lucie Tax Dollars May Again Go To Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Teen Time Bus, Your Tax Dollars at Work

St. Lucie Taxpayers Against Planned Parenthood Funding is recruiting fed-up local taxpayers. On Thursday September 8, 2011, the group will picket the Children’s Services Council Taxing Authority (CSC) meeting at 7:30 a.m. The CSC meeting starts at 8:15 am. The CSC has been funding Planned Parenthood (PP) with local tax dollars for many years including $500,000 last fiscal year. Altogether, PP, the largest provider of abortions in the U.S. has benefitted from more than $3 million in local St. Lucie tax dollars. Every year, a portion of St. Lucie residents’ property taxes go to the CSC. The little-known taxing authority can be located on residents’ property tax bill.

PP contends that tax dollars are not used directly to fund abortions. However, tax funded programs include graphic sex education youth programs that do not oppose

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