Tag: abortion

40 Days For Life Begins

This Wednesday, March 9, starts the upcoming spring session of 40 Days For Life. For more information, go to the local 40 Days website at www.40daysforlife.com/stluciecounty where you can sign up to pray, witness and fast in the quest to end abortion, while finding out details about our local 40 Days Program (March 9 – April 17).

In order for 40 Days to succeed, we not only need participants, but we need “captains” who can help with the following:

Recruit participants at sign-up days at churches and organizations
Supervise prayer site on weekly schedule
Help with 40 Days Special Events
Help with e-mails, phone calls and other administrative chores

Captains will receive specific help and training on

CALL TO ACTION: Email St. Lucie officials who give your tax dollars to Planned Parenthood

Even as the U.S. House voted this week to de-fund Planned Parenthood due to their unscrupulous practices, St. Lucie County taxpayers continue to give hundreds of thousands of dollars every year to the largest abortion provider in the U.S.

House votes to axe Federal tax dollars to Planned Parenthood: http://www.onenewsnow.com/Politics/Default.aspx?id=1297290

The St. Lucie County Children’s Services Council Taxing Authority (www.cscslc.org), continues to vote unanimously to give your tax dollars to

Vigil for Victims at Planned Parenthood Today!

As you have hopefully heard on O’Reilly and other news shows, Planned Parenthood has been involved in covering up sex trafficking. Pro-lifers have none for years that P.P. not only killed babies and harmed women, but covered up sex crimes. Now our brothers and sisters who are fighting sex trafficking realize this and are calling for a “Vigil For Victims” at all Planned Parenthoods today, Valentine’s Day, at noon. Let’s support those fighting human trafficking in the effort to defund PP. Please read below about our local Vigil For Victims.

* http://exposeplannedparenthood.com/vigil

This Monday: Planned Parenthood at

Oak Harbor Cancels Planned Parenthood Fund Raiser!

Two days ago, we let you know that Oak Harbor in Vero Beach had booked a fund raising event by Planned Parenthood. The event was scheduled for Feb. 11 from 6 – 9 PM. Oak Harbor was the only club in the Vero Beach area to have booked PP a second time. We pledged that it would be their last! We planned to picket the fundraiser.

I am pleased to announce that an Oak Harbor representative called me today to let me know that the event has been

Planned Parenthood Fundraiser Protest, Vero Beach, FL

Once again Oak Harbor in Vero Beach has booked a fund raising event by Planned Parenthood. It is scheduled for Feb. 11 from 6 – 9 PM. As far as we know, Oak Harbor is the only club in the Vero Beach area to have booked PP a second time. It will be their last! The pro-life community must turn out in force to protest this event. Please calendar and make plans today. Forward this note to any pro-life friends you have that would be inclined to demonstrate.

Breaking News: Ambulance Takes Woman From Ft Pierce Abortion Clinic with Sheet Over Her

Saturday morning, February 5, 2011, an ambulance was called to A Woman’s World Medical Center, in Ft Pierce to take one of the clients to the Lawnwood Hospital Emergency Room. A Woman’s World is the only abortion clinic in the tri-county area and has received numerous violations from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Medical personnel held a sheet over the mom as she was placed in the ambulance. It is not known what happened or the condition of the patients (mom and baby), but it is believed

Is Your Church Petitioning for Personhood Today?

The 14th Amendment reads in part, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” but doesn’t define who a person is. In the majority decision from the Supreme Court case Roe v Wade, Justice Blackmun wrote, “(If the) suggestion of personhood [of the preborn] is established, the [abortion rights] case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life is then guaranteed specifically by the [14th] Amendment.” The Personhood Amendment will define all humans as persons from

2011 March for Life Treasure Coast

Saturday, January 22
(38th anniversary of Roe v Wade)
Please join local pro-lifers, as they join in spirit with the hundreds of thousands marching in Washington D.C., in the first annual March For Life: Treasure Coast.
A peaceful March (.8 mile) from “A Woman’s World Medical Center” ( abortion clinic) at 503 S. 12th St., Fort Pierce,to Fort Pierce City Hall (100 N. US Highway 1)
Local Pro-Life advocates and clergy will speak at City Hall
Participants are encouraged to bring their own signs that proclaim the sanctity of human life
Church and Civic Groups are encouraged to bring signs or banners that represent their Church or Civic Group

The Case for Life with Author Scott Klusendorf

Free event with author Scott Klusendorf, the Case for Life, Topics include: Bioethics, Abortion, ProLife, Pro-Life. Bring a friend with whom to share the TRUTH about life!

ProLife Prayer Vigil at Vero Beach Planned Parenthood

Join ProLifers praying to end abortion

Location: Vero Beach Planned Parenthoodd or St Helen’s Catholic Church (your option)
Date: Saturday, October 16, 2010
Time: 12 Noon.
More Info: Call Leslie 772-633-3809

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